Charisse Tyson
1 min readNov 18, 2022

You are SO fortunate to have gotten your priorities straight at a young age. I was a single mother at 17 and I wanted to provide for my son as my own single mother of four never could. I worked two and three jobs to give him a lot of material things. In doing so I neglected his emotional needs. He's 45 now. Despite all my efforts his life is a complete disaster. I enabled him and never made him follow through on commitments. He had ADHD and suffered from depression. I got him a phycologist and sent him to a special school, one reason I needed an extra job. Now he is about to homeless and has lost the love of his life becasuse he won't fight for a better life. Enabling my son and working SO hard to give him stuff instead of my time is my biggest regret in life. I can't tell you how happy I am for you Kristina! 🤗



Charisse Tyson

Author, blogger, and retired biker bar owner. Sharing God-wink stories to give others hope. Check out my memoir Born Again in a Biker Bar