Wow! God's timing is amazing. I've been struggling with anger and resentment over a business that I sold to a "friend". His credit was in the toilet, but he had all kinds of excuses about it. I carried the loan because I needed it out so desperately. He couldn't pay us when COVID caused the business to be closed for six months. That was understandable. Because of his poor business management, he's in debt with government agencies and hasn't paid the $2500.00 payment for two months. He ignores my texts, emails, and phone calls. I only know what is happening because of his bookkeeper. She's leaving the position. She can't handle working for such a jerk. I know I need to write off the $70,000.00 he still owes us and move forward. I am praying regularly for the Holy Spirit's help with it. Thanks for this much-needed post. God bless you.