This was an important article to share. Abortion is out of control, and the practice needs to be stopped. God doesn't make mistakes, and terrible things happen when doctors try to play god. I got pregnant when I was 16, and Planned Parenthood tried hard to talk me into an abortion. I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 16 weeks along. I know it was by God's providence. I had no symptoms, just the lack of a period. I had three negative pregnancy tests before PP decided to give me an examination. At 16 weeks, they were going to have to ship me off to a hospital 50 miles from where I live. They explained that they would give the baby a shot while he was in my womb, stopping his heart, and then I would have labor induced and give birth to a stillborn. They explained the horrific procedure like it was no big deal. Had I been able to have an abortion right there in their office weeks earlier, my son wouldn't be here today. I can't imagine my life without him. I think it goes against the Hippocratic oath to suggest that a parent terminate a baby because it "might" have a disability.