Selling and walking away from the bar and grill I spent over 22 years building would have been more challenging if God hadn't intervened. The things that happened, like having to fire one of my favorite bartenders for cussing out the owner-to-be and him firing my bookkeeper shortly after taking over, were a blessing in disguise. I would have stayed connected to the business, and God knew I needed complete separation—the "friend" I sold Johnny's to wound up being a narcissistic jerk. He still owes me $70,000.00 and hasn't made a payment for two months. He ignores my texts and emails, and I fear I will not receive the balance he owes. I'm praying to give the situation to God and walk away without getting what is owed to me. The bitterness and stress are not worth it. I know that the good Lord will replace what the locust stole. Pray that I hand over the Golden Handcuffs, please. God bless you, Daniel