Charisse Tyson
Aug 25, 2024


My orange tabby girl disappeared, and I never saw her again. Like your friend, I was diligent. I posted a different picture of her on Facebook for 75 days straight, hung signs everywhere, and walked miles looking for her. Months after she disappeared, I was at the vet's office with one of my other cats and noticed my sign was still on their wall. I said, "Oh, Peaches," the distraught in my voice. The receptionist replied, "Probably coyote bait." I wanted to slap her face! I still miss my girl. Not knowing where our fur babies disappeared to is so painful. I'm praying that your friend's situation has a better ending. 🙏



Charisse Tyson

Author, blogger, and retired biker bar owner. Sharing God-wink stories to give others hope. Check out my memoir Born Again in a Biker Bar