Illegal immigrants are doing terrible things to this country, not legal ones like your wife. Sadly, the open borders the current administration has implemented have caused more damage to immigrants than ever before. The cartels are having a field day selling, abusing, and using illegals for profit. There are over 350,000 illegal immigrant children missing children right now. Many are being used as sex slaves. I'm praying that Trump follows through with the promise to go after the criminal illegals from day one. It's not a Republican-Democrat problem. It's a humanity issue. Why would this administration leave the borders open as they are, knowing that other countries are dumping their criminals and mentally ill into our country? The poor immigrants looking for a better way of life are suffering more because of this insanity than anyone. I'm also praying for changes to be made so the folks who want to become legal citizens can do so without so much money and misery necessary to do so. The entire system is terribly broken.