I will be praying for you in this difficult situation. I've been through plenty with my 45 year old son. He's suddenly totally absorbed in his ADHD and says it's ruined his life and accused me of not doing enough about it when he was in school. I made sure he was in special ed classes so the problem could be addressed. I was a single mother working two jobs and I put him in a private school for kids with learning disabilites and kept him there as long as I could afford it. Sadly, I was a guilt ridden single parent that didn't give my son the boundries he needed. I told him many times that he has a reason to be the way he is but it's not an excuse to stay there. I've had to step away and give him over to God. There are promises in the Bible for our children and I'm leaning on those. I hope you can do the same with your daughter. I have a strong feeling that she will one day see how much you love her and have sacrificed for her. She will remember that you were the one at her sporting events and lifes important moments. She will one day apologize and heal your mama heart. Our children are capable of casusing us more pain than anyone else. God bless and keep you Klara. :)