I renewed my relationship with Christ when my husband asked me for a divorce. It came as quite a shock since I was working like a dog while he drank like a fish. Did I mention I owned and operated a world-famous biker bar at the time? 🤔
Our story was so wild and miraculous that it needed to be shared. I wrote and self-published Born Again in a Biker Bar 10 years ago. It did well when I invested time and money into marketing it. Trust me when I say marketing a book is just as much work as writing it. The biggest blessings have come from the people that told me how much it helped them. Many fellow codependents out there can relate to my struggle, and many alcoholics relate to my husbands. I thought for sure that God would want me to get out of the bar business, but that was not his plan. We didn't sell the place until my husband had been sober for almost 13 years. God worked so many miracles in our lives and used us to help a LOT of people before He allowed us to move on.
I relate with you so much. As I told people often, you meet more sinners you can share Jesus with on a bar stool than on a pew. 😊
Thanks for sharing your story and being so upfront. You are my kind of person.