I guess you are one of those people with Trump derangement syndrome. If you don't see the implications of this travesty of justice you are decieved. The FBI knew Trump wasn't there and that's why they went when they did. They sent his attorney to stand in the driveway where she could not be a witness to what they were doing and the FBI instructed his staff to turn off the cameras. Your venom towards the man that put American citizens first is disheartening. How can anyone think Bidens America is better than it was with Trump at the helm? Have you written any nasty pieces about the Biden family's shady dealings? How about Hillary dumping all of her classified emails? Or Bengazi? The tanked economy maybe? Or sending billions of gallons of our fuel reserves to China while keeping us from being the energy independent country we were under Trump. How about Biden diserting our people and allies in Afganistan and leaving billions of dollars of our weaponry with the hoodlums that facilitated the September 11 bombings? I'll agree with you on being anxious to see this unfold. I don't think it's going to go the way you'd like though. A reconning is coming.