I got pregnant at 17. I took three tests at Planned Parenthood, and they all came back negative. On the fourth visit, they did a physical exam and discovered that I was 16 weeks pregnant. They went right into describing how I could abort my son by going to a hospital 80 miles from my home. There was no talk of adoption AT ALL. They don't care about the girls that walk through their doors. They are all about money and destroying the family unit. Thankfully, I had a Christian upbringing and knew I couldn't abort my baby at 16 weeks. I may have chosen a different path if I had found out at six weeks instead. In school, they made it sound like it was no big deal and the baby was a blob, not a person. They would have killed my baby right then and there, and I would surely have suffered for it my entire life. My mother wanted me to consider putting my son up for adoption, but I couldn't do it. I can't imagine my life without my son. I'm a passionate pro-lifer who HATES Planned Parenthood for good reasons. You won't hear the stories of the women who are still suffering because they decided to abort. The media doesn't want people to know about those. It's very sad. Thanks for sharing your story.